Sonntag, 14. August 2011

fresh fresh fresh!

hallöchen ((: Entlich wieder zuhause , ey *o* gerade nochn bisschen chatten & so & gleich fertig machen , weil es geht nach  bad berka zur coolsten geilsten wunderschönsten traumhaften celine & nathürlich zu den anderen , ich freu mich ((: hier geiles lied :


the good things in life:
_._- goodnight messages_._- falling asleep to the sound of falling rain_._- waking up to a thunderstorm_._- staying in your pj's all day_._- chocolate-chips and cookies_._- noticing something you never have before__.- feeling special_._- getting scared and holding on to someone_._- using a blanket straight out of the dryer_._- seeing your favorite band(s) live

 - deep talks with my best friend
 - finally understanding something
 - when your heart beats in ways you can't explain
 - being trusted with a secret
 - playing your favorite song on repeat and singing along
 - laughing so much, your tummy hurts
 - good books
 - the first snowfall of the year
 - cuddling with somene you care about
 - oversized hoodies

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